Fertility and Pregnancy Dietetics and Nutrition Support

A fertility and pregnancy dietitian can provide knowledge, skills, and resources to optimise your nutrition during your fertility journey and pregnancy. Diet and what you eat have been shown to improve fertility by almost 70%. Your diet can also shape your baby’s health, including reducing the risk of heart disease, allergies, and type 2 diabetes.

Arranging an appointment with a specialist fertility and pregnancy dietitian can be helpful for:

  • ensuring your nutrition is on track to improve your chances of conception, naturally or through IVF

  • ovulation optimisation for Hypothalamic Amenorrhoea or PCOS

  • recurrent implantation failure and embryo transfer preparations

  • reducing your risk of miscarriage

  • clarifying the nutrition “do’s and don’ts” for pregnancy

  • managing gestational diabetes

  • managing hyperemesis gravidarum

  • postnatal nutrition advice

  • breastfeeding and low milk supply

  • assistance with weight management (gain and loss)

Click here to learn more about our fertility and pregnancy dietitian, Rachel.