Transition to Parenthood

Some people struggle to make the transition into pregnancy or parenthood, especially after previous pregnancy loss or infertility. We can work with you to negotiate the path to parenthood and process the complex emotions and adjustments that are necessary to find out who the “new you” will be as a parent. 

Examples of the type of issues that they may be addressed are:

  • Dealing with the conflicting emotions in the early stages after you first learn of the pregnancy (e.g. joy and excitement, disbelief and ambivalence, apprehension and fear, “infertile” now pregnant)

  • Role transitions and managing/adjusting to the different demands and experiences of the different roles (e.g. career to parent, financial dependence, grief for past losses and joy for the new pregnancy, no longer attending a fertility clinic)

  • Relationship issues that may arise

  • Concerns about the future ability to parent

  • If single, implications of solo parenting

  • If a donor has been used, the implications of using a donor may only really sink in once a pregnancy has been confined or the baby has been born.

Click here to learn more about our team of qualified counsellors, psychologists and parenting coaches.