Perinatal Loss

The emotional experiences and needs of any person after the loss of a pregnancy are often intense and complex. We understand the complex experience of grieving a pregnancy – through miscarriage, still birth or neonatal loss. 

We can help you to:

  • Find ways to grieve your baby,

  • Develop effective self-care strategies,

  • Find ways to build the support you need from your network

  • make decisions re future efforts to become pregnant and

  • Understand the different responses your partner may have about the loss.

Pregnancy after Loss/ Infertility

It might seem strange, but sometimes one of the hardest parts of pregnancy loss is getting pregnant again. You may be feeling isolated by the fear about what will happen in this next pregnancy – instead of feeling happy and enjoying the pregnancy you might be feel paralysed by “what if’s”. We understand this experience, and how it feels to be pregnant after infertility or previous loss, and we can help you to get through, enjoy your pregnancy, and connect to this new baby.

Our clinical and health psychologist, Narelle Dickinson, specialises in perinatal grief and loss support. Click here to find out more about Narelle.