Circle of Security Parenting Program

Parenting can be hard work, and it is normal to feel lost some of the time, working out what your children need from you. Our Circle of Security Parenting ™ program (abbreviated), based on decades of research about how to strengthen and support secure parent-child relationships, can really help make sense of what your child needs from you.

This program will help you to:

  • Understand your child’s emotional world, by learning to read their emotional needs

  • Support your child’s ability to successfully manage their emotions

  • Enhance the development of your child’s self esteem

  • Honour your innate parenting wisdom and desire to help your child develop a secure attachment relationship

Circle of Security highlights that by listening to what their child’s needs and being more reflective, any parent can build a more secure and safe relationship with their child.

COSP™ Video Overview

Lotus Health and Psychology is delighted to offer an abbreviated 6-week version of the COSP program, available in-person and online, for a fee of $375 per person (If another primary caregiver for your child attends the same program with you, both of you can attend for a total of $590 - saving you $160!). Medicare and Private Health Fund rebates may apply.

To reserve a spot in our next program, contact our friendly admin staff via emailing or calling (07) 3132 8584.