Rachel Hayes

Intuitive Parenting Coach, General Nurse, Midwife
Diploma of Community Service

Rachel is passionate about supporting new parents as they settle into parenthood, particularly if they are navigating extra challenges, such as a lack of social support, mental health issues, traumatic birth, or past fertility/obstetric trauma.

Rachel has previously worked as a midwife, in antenatal, post-natal, and birth suite settings. Since leaving the maternity wards, she has remained committed to helping new (and experienced) parents get to know their baby.

Rachel also provides support to families with complex care & social needs, offering post-natal mental health education, and in-home disability care, all based on a foundation of pragmatism and compassion. She believes in collaborative parenting: that each new parent and their partner (or other support) must develop skills to nurture and understand each other’s needs as parents and individuals, offering mutual respect, dignity and kindness to ensure a firm foundation for their baby to flourish.

Rachel can help you identify your own personal parenting philosophy. This will allow you to be resolute in your decisions as a parent, confident that you are your baby’s expert.  Based on a foundation of kindness, she believes that you can trust your parenting intuition to love your baby best. With Rachel’s guidance, you and your baby will quickly get “in synch”. Rachel’s belief in you will give you the confidence in your parenting choices, to help you stand strong in a confusing world where we can become overloaded with contradictory information from social media and well-meaning family and friends.  

Rachel will give you the time you need to get to know your baby and how they are expressing their needs to you. She will help develop your intuitive awareness of what is best for your baby and yourself. Rachel provides individually crafted support either at Lotus Health and Psychology, or in your own home.