Information and Support During the Perinatal Period

Antenatal and Postnatal Network

“The Antenatal & Postnatal Psychology Network is a professional collaboration of Psychologists who specialise in conception, pregnancy, the postnatal period, and the early parenting years. Known for our expertise, and dedication to the field of perinatal mental health, we are committed to providing care that is compassionate, non-judgemental and evidence-based.”

Centre for Perinatal Psychology

“The Centre for Perinatal Psychology is committed to strengthening relationships and facilitating joyful and confident parenting during the perinatal period. We are Australia’s only national group of psychologists dedicated to mothers, fathers, infants, couples and families during the perinatal period.”

Greenslopes Obstetrics and Gynaecology

“Greenslopes Obstetrics & Gynaecology know how precious pregnancy is, so we put your needs first with direct one-on-one pregnancy care with the specialist of your choice. Our comprehensive services can attend to your every need throughout your pregnancy and beyond! We are the only practice in South East Queensland that provides a free postnatal midwife home visit for our patients.”

Circle of Security

“At times all parents feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you. The Circle of Security® Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.”

Mental Health Online

“Mental Health Online provides comprehensive and effective online services and programs free of charge. If you’re experiencing mental distress, our services can help you understand and address your needs through self-assessment, self-help and, if you choose, online professional support.”

Beyond Blue

“Check out our information for new and expectant parents, covering everything from bonding with your baby to spotting the signs of anxiety and depression.”

Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia (PANDA)

“We know expecting and new parents are feeling especially vulnerable at this time. Despite increased pressure across our services PANDA remains committed to supporting the mental health of expecting and new parents, including those worried about the coronavirus, via our National Helpline and through our expert and accessible information and resources.”

Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE)

“Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE) is a not-for-profit organisation devoted to reducing the impacts of emotional and mental health problems in the pre and postnatal periods. Our history and foundations are underpinned by extensive research and best practice. Building upon this, COPE provides a national, dedicated focus to perinatal mental health to address the identified issues that we know are currently preventing people from accessing timely and effective information and care.”

Gidget Foundation Australia

“Gidget Foundation Australia provides support for perinatal depression and anxiety by providing support services for families suffering emotional distress during pregnancy and early parenting, and education and awareness programs for health professionals and the community.”

ForWhen Helpline

“ForWhen provides new and expecting parents—mums, dads, and guardians—with a caring, supportive mental health navigation service, to guide you and your family throughout your perinatal journey, from conception, up until your child is 12 months old. It’s a national support line that connects you to the right service that can help you understand what you’re feeling and provide the guidance and support you need at the right time.”

White Cloud Foundation - Meals for Mums

“White Cloud’s Meals for Mums service provides practical support for women at risk of or experiencing perinatal depression.  It is designed to complement the clinical care given by the mother’s health care provider. The service provides practical support and social connection through the delivery of 14 nutritious meals to the mother’s home and phone contact with our program coordinator. To ensure that these women are receiving ongoing holistic support that complements their clinical treatment, they must be referred to the service by a professional involved in their healthcare or welfare.”

Food Safety During Pregnancy Brochure

“Pregnancy and planning pregnancy is an exciting time. A few food safety tips during this important period can help keep food poisoning away and keep mum and baby healthy.”

Emotional health and wellbeing - A guide for new dads, partners and other carers

“This handbook covers some of the common emotional challenges faced by new and expectant parents, and offers practical advice for partners on how to deal with these challenges. As well as this, you‘ll find information on topics that some partners may identify as being trivial, but actually have a large impact on your mental wellbeing if they’re ignored. Adjusting your work schedule, ways to bond with your new baby, helping your partner through exhaustion and heightened emotions, and getting to know your partner again – including post-baby intimacy – are all covered in this booklet. “

Gender disappointment: Grieving the idealised child

“When we imagine having a baby, our minds create narratives about the hoped-for child. Along with the child we envisage raising, we hold scripts about the kind of parents we hope to be. Then we become pregnant, and these fantasies intensify. The narratives we hold are formed by our past, and by the meaning we derived from the relationships we’ve experienced and observed. We unconsciously amass information and draw conclusions about parents and children, family compositions, siblings, and the meaning of gender within these relationships. When we find out the sex of our baby (whether in utero or after birth), this intricate web of preconceived ideas springs to the surface. Stories about ourselves, our relationships, our fears, our regrets, and our desires. Some or all of these things can be wrapped up in our perceptions about the sex of our baby.”


"Since 1977, we have translated our expertise in the science of early childhood development into pioneering programs, field-leading training and resources, and responsive policy solutions. As a membership-based organization, we provide a vibrant, connected community for professionals in diverse disciplines focused on child development who are committed to advancing their knowledge and skills. Our work creates lasting, transformative change for children, their families and our future.”


“MumMoodBooster is Australia's new evidence-based treatment for postnatal depression.”

Mama Tribe

Find a Mothers Group Near You - Become a Mama Tribe member

“Mama Tribe is where you’ll find a local mothers group near you – from Melbourne to Mooloolaba, Sydney to Subiaco, and everywhere in between.”

iCOPE Digital Screening

iCOPE Digital Screening - COPE

“iCOPE is a digital screening tool designed to ensure every mother is provided with the right support for mental health during the perinatal period.”