Information and Support for LQBTQ+ Families
Rainbow Families
“Our mission as a charity is to support, celebrate, empower and advocate for Rainbow Families at every stage of their lives. We are a voice for those lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) parents and their kids that mainstream society often neglects, forgets, ignores and discriminates against.”
Rainbow Families Early Years Guide
“So they sent you home with a baby but no instruction book? This guide is for you! Specifically written for LGBTQ+ parents it covers the trials and triumphs of caring for babies and preschoolers and offers the collective wisdom and advice of Rainbow Families parents.”
Resource Kit for Rainbow Families
“OUTspoken Families came out of my experience of raising three children in a rainbow family for the past twelve years. There are many things that my family share with other families: we all have to adjust to the changes children bring to our lives; we all want our kids to grow up secure, healthy and happy; we all worry and hope and fear. And we all have to deal with nits and homework and fights over screen time.”