Involuntary Childlessness Support


Childless Voices, by Lorna Gibb

Childless: A story of freedom and longing, by Sian Prior

Childfree After Infertility: Moving from Childlessness to a Joyous Life, by Heather Wardell

Complete Without Kids: An Insider’s Guide to Childfree Living by Choice or by Chance, by Ellen Walker

Do you have kids? Life when the answer is no, by Kate Kaufman

Finally Heard: A Silent Sorority Finds Its Voice, by Pamela Tsigdinos

Life without baby. Surviving and thriving when motherhood doesn’t happen, by Lisa Manterfield

Living the Life Unexpected: How to Find Hope, Meaning and a Fulfilling Future Without Children, by Jody Day

Motherhood Missed. Stories from women who are childless by circumstance, by Lois Tonkin

Reconceiving Women: Separating Motherhood from Female Identity, by Mardy Ireland

She I Dare Not Name: A Spinster’s Meditations on Life, by Donna Ward

Silent Sorority. A (Barren) woman gets busy, angry, lost and found, by Pamela Tsigdinos

Sweet Grapes: How to Stop Being Infertile and Start Living Again , by Dr Jean Carter and Michael Carter


Welcome to the Otherhood | Melanie Notkin

The Lost Tribe of Childless Women | Jody Day

Social Plankton: Why single non-mothers are the fuel of the future | Jody Day

Gateway Women masterclasses

-   ‘Why Your Story Matters’

-   ‘Where is my home? Navigating the sense of not belonging that can be caused by the intersectionality of race and childlessness’

-   ‘Finding community and connection as a childless woman’

-   ‘Revolutionising your single holidays’

-   ‘Reclaiming the childless holidays’

-   ‘The childless menopause’

-   ‘Childlessness and sexual intimacy’

-   ‘Celebrating the spinster’

-   ‘Coping with Mother’s Day’

-   ‘Owning your single and childless identity’

-   ‘Inspiring childless elders’

-   ‘Finding your plan B after childlessness’

-   ‘Diversity in childlessness’

Coping with Involuntary Childlessness webinar

Talkback: The invisible grief of involuntary childlessness

Internet Resources

Married and Childless

·      Australian couple in their 50s living with involuntary childlessness through infertility

·      Blog about their lived experience as individuals and within their relationship as an infertile couple

·      Australian CNBC community

·      Working on a project about ageing without children in Australia

·      Also run the Full Stop podcast (

Gateway Women

·      Global advocacy and support network for childless not by choice women

·      Started by Jody Day

·      Free masterclasses on a variety of topics relating to childlessness ( - see talks section for topics

·      Full of useful resources and links from all over the world

·      Gateway elderwoman – exploring

Resolve – The National Infertility Association

·      US based organisation

·      Living without children section for involuntary childlessness information

World Childless Week

·      Raises awareness for the childless not by choice (CNBC) community

·      World Childless Week 12th – 18th September 2022

·      Full of resources for blogs, podcasts, social support groups

·      Resources are available for many countries worldwide

·      Online Reignite Weekends

·      Gateway Women’s year-long Plan B Mentorship Program

·      GW membership community (

Ageing Without Children

·      UK based organisation providing information and support for those who are ageing without children

The Dovecote: Childless Support Organisation

·      Facebook based organisation supporting those experiencing involuntary childlessness

Facebook Communities

Childless & Childfree Women in Australia & NZ

Childless and Full of Life

Childless, Beyond the Dream

Childless Chicks (No TTC)

Childless couples not by our choice

The Childless Life

Childless Not By Choice – Embracing Life

Childless Not By Choice Singles – Friendship and Support

Childless Path to Acceptance

The Non-Mum Network