Fee Schedule - Elise Atkinson

50-minute Consultation

Session via Telehealth: $230
No Medicare Rebates Available
Rebates May Be Available Through Private Health Insurance.

Please check with your fund to find out if rebates are available.

Individual/Couple Counselling Consultation

Donor Conception with Clinic Donor Implications Counselling

2 x 50-minute Consultations*

Total fee: $500
Medicare Rebates Not Available
Fee Includes Preparation of Donor Implications Counselling Report
Rebates May Be Available Through Private Health Insurance.

Please check with your fund to find out if rebates are available.

Donor Conception with Known Donor Implications Counselling

3 x 50-minute Consultations*

Total fee: $750
Medicare Rebates Not Available
Fee Includes Preparation of Donor Implications Counselling Report
Rebates May Be Available Through Private Health Insurance.

Please check with your fund to find out if rebates are available.

Donor Implications Counselling - Single Session

50-minute Consultation*

Session via Telehealth: $300
Medicare Rebates Not Available
Fee Includes Preparation of Donor Implications Counselling Report
Rebates May Be Available Through Private Health Insurance.

Please check with your fund to find out if rebates are available.

Post-surrogacy Implications Counselling

3 x 60-minute Consultations*

Total Fee: $1500
Medicare Rebates Not Available
Fee Includes Preparation of Surrogacy Parentage Order Report
Rebates May Be Available Through Private Health Insurance.

Please check with your fund to find out if rebates are available.

*Reduced consultation time will not result in fee reduction.