What is an ectopic pregnancy?
After an egg is fertilised (it’s then known as an embryo), it usually attaches to the lining of the uterus. However, sometimes the embryo implants itself outside of the uterine cavity. This is known as an ectopic pregnancy. Commonly, an ectopic pregnancy develops in the fallopian tube (which carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus), but ectopic pregnancy can also occur in the ovaries, abdominal cavity, or the cervix.
Ectopic pregnancies cannot proceed normally as the embryo cannot survive outside of the uterus. Importantly, this growing embryo can cause significant health issues, including life-threatening bleeding.
The first warning signs of ectopic pregnancy may be light vaginal bleeding or pelvic pain, but symptoms will depend on the specific location, and are caused when blood collects and nerves subsequently become irritated. If the embryo continues to grow in a fallopian tube, it may cause the tube to rupture and bleed into the abdomen. This is a life threatening situation, which requires emergency medical attention.
Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy include:
Previous ectopic pregnancy
Inflammation or Infection
Fertility treatment (i.e IVF)
Tubal Surgery
Birth Control (more commonly the IUD)
Unfortunately, ectopic pregnancy cannot be prevented. However, understanding the signs can help a pregnant person to notice initial warning signs and act quickly. It is important to remember that there is nothing that you can do to cause (or prevent) an ectopic pregnancy – it’s just something that happens sometimes. When a pregnancy is diagnosed as ectopic, it will probably require some kind of medical intervention. Remember, there is no way of “saving” that pregnancy as there is no way a baby can grow outside of the uterus, and letting it grow may result in significant complications for the pregnant person.