Considering bariatric surgery for weight loss?

Considering bariatric surgery for weight loss?

If you are considering bariatric (weight loss) surgery, chances are you’ve spent years trying to lose weight. You’ve probably spoken to dietitians. You’ve probably tried every exercise and weight loss strategy. After all of that, the weight hasn’t shifted and you know its impacting your health and your ability to get the most out of your life. So you look to other options… including surgery.


Maybe, you’ve already met with a surgeon. You’ve probably spoken to friends and family about your decision. Your mind is made up. This is what you want to do. So why do you need to speak to a Psychologist??


Psychological evaluation prior to bariatric surgery is part of the thorough assessment process recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for people considering weight loss surgery.


The primary goal of psychological assessment prior to bariatric surgery is to evaluate your current mental health and emotional well-being. This might include: current mental health concerns/diagnoses, body and weight, eating patterns, substance use, past trauma, and the motivation and ability to make and maintain long term healthy lifestyle changes. The evaluation process aims to identify any underlying psychological factors that may have contributed to your weight struggles, and which could potentially impact your long term weight loss maintenance and overall wellbeing.


The psychologist will ask you to complete standardised psychological tests to evaluate your current mental health and psychological functioning (particularly relating to bariatric surgery). They will also schedule an interview to discuss:

·         your motivation for seeking weight loss surgery

·         your history with dieting and weight loss/regain

·         your expectations of and understanding about the surgery

·         the lifestyle changes required for long-term maintenance of weight loss.


Based on the outcome of the assessment, the psychologist may recommend psychological treatment to assist you:

  • to meet your health and weight loss goals

  • to treat any existing mental health concerns

  • to help you prepare for weight loss surgery and assist you to manage the associated emotional and lifestyle changes


Your psychologist will work with you and your bariatric healthcare team to ensure that you proceed to surgery feeling psychologically informed, emotionally prepared and fully confident in your decision to proceed.


Bariatric surgery is both a physical and emotional journey.  Your surgeon wants you to have the best possible health and weight loss outcomes.  The psychologist tasked to do do your pre-surgery assessment wants that too, and will ensure that you prepare for your surgery at your physical and emotional best.


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